The Minefield of Online Dating
“No matter what you are looking for, if you are not getting what you want out of your dating experience, shifting your mindset may not only help find you a good match but it can also improve your relationship with that person.”

Out With the Old, In With the New…How Online Therapy Can Help You
“When considering something new, many of us experience or undergo feelings of curiosity: How does this work? What can I expect? Is this vastly different than what I am used to?”

Parent Yourself
Giving love to ourselves transforms our parenting and our lives. When the baby’s crying and you yourself need a good cry, it’s true that the baby comes first. But by embracing and attuning with yourself compassionately (and crying if you need to) will help make you both feel better.

Honoring Those With Invisible Wounds
On this day every year, we observe and focus on the heroism and sacrifice of US Armed Forces members: active, reserve, veteran, and retired. Each day individuals voluntarily make sacrifices to defend our liberty and way of life but many face psychological challenges - deserving more than acknowledgement.

Mental Health in the LGBTQQIP2SAA+ Community
With the increased risk for mental health struggles that individuals in the LGBTQ+ community face, remember that it’s okay to ask for help when you need it, and a little self-care goes a long way.

10 Ways to Combat COVID 19 Isolation and Gloom
“Did you once take a drawing course that you loved or get really into a sport? If there was a hobby you used to do but haven’t been able to engage in for a long time, try it again! “

One Client’s Experience
“Taryn put me in contact with Mysty Higgins and she's honestly been amazing.”

Interview with Dr. Taryn Feuerberg
“I think to myself, “Who does this person need me to be to them, how can I best serve them in the journey that brought them to me?”
Also I am just a super weird and silly person, and I often lean into that absurdity with clients.”